
Why Join CARFMS?

  • Participate in a community of scholars, researchers, advocates and policy-makers working on issues of forced migration and refugees
  • Find out about job opportunities, lectures, conferences, publications, and other important information through our listserve, forums, and publications
  • Discover others who are active in your area of research or policy advocacy through our online database of members
  • Share and discuss your research with other academics, advocates and the NGO community online using our forums or in person at our annual conference
  • The association is independent, interdisciplinary, and run by its membership and is dedicated to the advancement of refugee and forced migration studies
  • Participate in the annual conference

Membership Categories

Independent Researchers, Faculty and Individuals from/representing Government and Policy-Making Institutions $300
Student, Postdoc, Low Income Researcher $80
Individuals from NGOs/Reps/advocates of “Refugee” groups $100
Affiliate – Institutional Membership (Regular) $550
Affiliate – Institutional Membership (Non-profit) $300

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