ACERMF Documents de Travail

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Liste de tous les documents de travail publiés dans la série

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Demandes de renseignements, des pensées, des préoccupations ou des idées pour l’amélioration de la Série de documents de travail ACERMF peuvent être envoyés à l’attention de:

Dr. Idil Atak, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology
Faculty of Arts, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Liste de tous les documents de travail publiés dans la série

No. 2015/1
October 2015
pdf icon The Role of the Federal Court in the Canadian Refugee Determination Process (PDF)
Justice Anne L. Mactavish, Federal Court Canada
No. 2015/2
October 2015
pdf icon The Need to Welcome Refugees and Immigrants – and Establishing Leadership by Welcoming More… (PDF)
Olivia Chow, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Ryerson University
No. 2015/3
October 2015
pdf icon Key Note Address to CARFMS15 Annual Conference (PDF)
Mario Dion, Chairperson of Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada
No. 2015/4
October 2015
pdf icon The Developing Jurisprudence on Exclusion Under Article 1F(a) of the 1951 Convention in Selected Western Industrialized States (PDF)
Dr. James C. Simeon, Associate Professor, Director, School of Public Policy and Administration, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University
No. 2015/5
October 2015
pdf icon From the Indochinese refugee crisis and UNHCR’s Nansen Medal to the silent indifference of the Syrian Refugee Crisis 2011-2015: A Journalist’s Reflections on Shifts in Refugee Policy in Canada Over the Last Four Decades (PDF)
Peter Goodspeed, Retired Journalist, 2013-2014 Atkinson Fellowship in Public Policy, Awarded by the Canadian Journalism Foundation
No. 2015/6
October 2015
pdf icon Politicizing Protection: India and its 1971 Refugees (PDF)
Peter Grbac, J.D. Student, Faculty of Law, McGill University