CARFMS15 Registration

CARFMS15 Registration

Registration for CARFMS2015: Advancing Protection And Fostering Belonging Ryerson University Toronto, Ontario, Canada 13-15 May 2015 For more information on the conference see the CARFMS website. You must be a CARFMS member in good standing before purchasing registration at the “CARFMS member” prices. To join CARFMS or for more information, see the membership page on the CARFMS website. All prices are in Canadian dollars, and must include 13% HST. “EARLY BIRD” prices end March 31,…

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CARFMS15 Travel Subsidy Application

CARFMS15 Travel Subsidy Application

CARFMS15 Conference May 13 – 15, 2015 TRAVEL SUBSIDY APPLICATION FORM Conference Reimbursement Deadline: January 31, 2015  Travel Subsidy Application Form   CARFMS has limited funds available to help defray the costs of participants who are presenting papers. The funds will be disbursed as fairly as possible depending upon the number of requests. While any participant who is presenting is eligible to apply for funding support, priority will be given to students, independent researchers and…

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