- Winter Newsletter, 2025, Issue 14
- Left out of the Levels Plan: A Call for Accessible Statistics for the Joint Assistance Sponsorship Program to Facilitate Research and Evaluation
- CARFMS2025: Canadian, Regional, and International Responses to Forced Migration
Welcome to the CARFMS Blog!
Welcome to the CARFMS Blog! We would like to give CARFMS members an opportunity to have their say on those issues and concerns that are important to you and others. The CARFMS Blog provides you with the opportunity to reach the members of CARFMS, a highly knowledgeable and informed group of scholars, policymakers, practitioners, instructors and students on the issues and concerns in the field of refugee and forced migration studies and a broader public audience who are interested in issues that affect refugees and other forced migrants.
The CARFMS Blog is intended to allow CARFMS members to provide their research findings, opinions, brief essays, policy analyses, and suggestions and ideas on the migration concerns and issues of the day.
Although posts are public, contributing to the Blog is reserved for CARFMS Members only, as well as prominent non-CARFMS members from time-to-time on invitation of the Blog Committee. Responses to and discussions on each post will be accessible to CARFMS Members only. In order to get access to and to join the Blog responses and discussions, and to be able to in the dialogue and debate, you will have to register on the Practitioners Forum (PF) portion of the CARFMS ORTT&PF website. The PF portion of the website is only for CARFMS members in good standing, that is, those whose membership fees are fully paid, are active in CARFMS, for instance, have attended a CARFMS Annual Conference in the last two years, and so on.
This is your opportunity to present your views, opinions and thoughts and recommendations before a highly engaged, informed, knowledgeable, and, often, experienced audience, on matters dealing with refugees and forced migration not only in Canada but all over the world. We welcome you to stimulate debate, critical reflection, and issue awareness on those matters that are of most relevance to you in our field of study, research, practice, advocacy and mobilization for social change in those matters that pertain to the rights and protection of refugees and other forced migrants.
If you have a paper that you have presented at a conference, symposium, workshop or at a seminar and would like to share this with the members of CARFMS, then, you may wish to consider submitting it to our “Working Paper Series.” For less scholarly and non-academic piece then the CARFMS Blog would be preferable.
The CARFMS Blog follows the most common format found in online publishing today. It is easily accessible and intuitive for both contributors and responders to our blog entries. What follows is a brief description of the CARFMS Blog and how it operates. We have tried to make it as simple and straightforward as possible to use. However, in order to contribute to our Blog, you will need to abide by some basic rules.
The CARFMS Blog rules are intended to ensure that whatever is posted is appropriate and as professional as possible and most importantly respects the mission, vision, and values of CARFMS as an association and as an community of scholars, advocates, policymakers, instructors, researchers, students and practitioners who are working in the field of refugee and forced migration studies. All CARFMS Blog submissions will be reviewed in advance of posting. Those that are found to be inappropriate and/or unprofessional will not be posted.