Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Caroline Kihato, University of Johannesburg Stealth humanitarianism: Incentivizing the inclusion of urban displaced populations, lessons from the global south Over half of the world’s refugees or people living in refugee-like conditions now live in urban areas. This means over 7 million people seek protection in the world’s cities. Yet while raging debates over integration in Europe, North America and Australia continue, it is ‘cities of the South’ that most directly confront the presence of thousands…

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Keynote Panels

Keynote Panels

Elizabeth (Liz) Miller, Concordia University; Stéphanie Gasana, Ayanda Dube, Gracia Jalea Re-Storying Narratives of Displacement Too often stories of forced migration or resettlement are told by those in positions of power. These stories are then translated into public opinions and policies that can lead to exclusion or exploitation rather than support or integration. One way to reflect on and challenge both policies and pathways to integration is through the creation and circulation of first-person stories….

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Call for Papers

Call for Papers

York University, Toronto May 14 – 16, 2019 Call for Papers Integration is a contested concept – most especially in the field of refugee and forced migration studies. Describing the act of combining distinct parts into a whole, the term is apt for advancing the inclusion of migrants within political communities, the mixture of diverse stakeholder perspectives, and more progressive global governance regimes. But integration is also coupled with processes of exclusion. State political boundaries…

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2019 CARFMS Student Essay Contest

2019 CARFMS Student Essay Contest

CARFMS Graduate Student Essay Contest Winners CARFMS Undergraduate Student Essay Contest Winners 2019 Student Essay Contest The Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) seeks to foster an independent community of scholars dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of Canadian refugee and forced migration research. The Association aims to engage students as active members of the Canadian refugee and forced migration research community, and invites students to participate in the seventh annual CARFMS Student…

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Your Rights in Research / Vos droits dans le cadre d’une recherche / حقوقك في البحث

Your Rights in Research / Vos droits dans le cadre d’une recherche / حقوقك في البحث

An Information Sheet for People Taking Part in Forced Migration Research Taking part in a research project gives you a chance to make your voice heard, but it can also be inconvenient, cost you time or money, and/or make you feel physically or emotionally uncomfortable. This information sheet explains key terms and outlines your rights. Download the PDF (En) ************************ Feuillet d’information destiné aux participants à une recherche auprès de personnes en situation de migration…

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CARFMS17: Forgotten Corridors: Global Displacement & the Politics of Engagement

CARFMS17: Forgotten Corridors: Global Displacement & the Politics of Engagement

Forgotten Corridors: Global Displacement & the Politics of Engagement May 15–18, 2017   |   Victoria, BC 10th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Hosted by the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives’ Migration and Mobility Program, University of Victoria   Never before in modern history have so many people been forced to leave their homes and journey abroad for temporary or permanent settlement. According to the UNHCR Mid-Term June 2015 report, “by…

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CARFMS15 Registration

CARFMS15 Registration

Registration for CARFMS2015: Advancing Protection And Fostering Belonging Ryerson University Toronto, Ontario, Canada 13-15 May 2015 For more information on the conference see the CARFMS website. You must be a CARFMS member in good standing before purchasing registration at the “CARFMS member” prices. To join CARFMS or for more information, see the membership page on the CARFMS website. All prices are in Canadian dollars, and must include 13% HST. “EARLY BIRD” prices end March 31,…

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CARFMS15 Travel Subsidy Application

CARFMS15 Travel Subsidy Application

CARFMS15 Conference May 13 – 15, 2015 TRAVEL SUBSIDY APPLICATION FORM Conference Reimbursement Deadline: January 31, 2015  Travel Subsidy Application Form   CARFMS has limited funds available to help defray the costs of participants who are presenting papers. The funds will be disbursed as fairly as possible depending upon the number of requests. While any participant who is presenting is eligible to apply for funding support, priority will be given to students, independent researchers and…

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