The Most Fundamental Human Right to Peace and the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) the Forcibly Displaced

By James C. Simeon, Professor, School of Public Policy and Administration, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University, Email: To note that the world is currently ablaze with protracted armed conflicts is to state the obvious to even the most casual observer of the world scene. The three most notable of protracted armed conflicts are, undoubtedly, the Russia – Ukraine War, the Hamas – Israel War, and the Sudan Civil War. According to the…

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War and Asylum, Jan 25 2024

War and Asylum, Jan 25 2024

Thursday, January 25, 2024 10:00 – 11:30am (EST) This was a virtual event The mass production of refugees is overwhelming due to wars. Astonishingly, more than half of the world’s refugees (52%) and others in need of international protection come from just three countries: Syrian Arab Republic; Ukraine; and, Afghanistan. In fact, 87 percent of all people who were refugees at the end of 2022 came from only 10 countries and all of them wracked…

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Call for Papers: 2024 CARFMS Student Essay Contest

Call for Papers: 2024 CARFMS Student Essay Contest

Submit your essay online here The Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) seeks to foster an independent community of scholars dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of Canadian refugee and forced migration research.  The Association aims to engage students as active members of the Canadian refugee research community, and invites undergraduate, graduate and law students to participate in the 2024 CARFMS Student Essay Contest. The CARFMS Student Essay Contest recognizes the most…

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Call for Papers: The ICC as Justice Hub, Pragmatic Complementarity and Domestic ICL Enforcement

Call for Papers: The ICC as Justice Hub, Pragmatic Complementarity and Domestic ICL Enforcement

The Joined-up-Justice Project at Tilburg Law School, Department of Criminal Law, organizes an international conference on domestic prosecution of international crimes in light of the ICC’s shift from “apex court to justice hub”. The latter pronouncement was made by the ICC prosecutor on 8 November 2023, signalling a more dynamic approach to complementarity. The conference will be held over two days: on 13-14 June 2024 in Tilburg, The Netherlands. The organizers aim to bring together…

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The Pedagogy of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies

by James C. Simeon Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Administration, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, York University Refugee and forced migration studies has evolved as both a multi-disciplinary and an interdisciplinary field that encompasses several disciplines including anthropology, conflict studies, demography, environmental studies, history, international studies, law, peace studies, philosophy, political economy, political science, public policy, public administration, psychology, sociology, social work, war studies, among others. Within this field of studies…

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The opportunities and challenges of “naming” in Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program

The opportunities and challenges of “naming” in Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program

While globally States and Internal NGOs take the lead in selection for resettlement of refugees, Canada’s Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) Program allows sponsors to “name” people to be consider for resettlement to Canada. This opportunity also presents challenges for groups involved in refugee sponsorship. Our three panelists discussed from their experience these issues based on their research and experience:. With: Brian Dyck, Mennonite Central Committee Canada Ian Van Haren, Executive Director at Action Réfugiés…

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le français suit The Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) seeks to foster an independent community of scholars dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of Canadian refugee and forced migration research.  The Association aims to engage students as active members of the Canadian refugee research community, and invites undergraduate, graduate and law students to participate in the 2023 CARFMS Student Essay Contest. The CARFMS Student Essay Contest recognizes the most outstanding research…

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