Call for Presenters – Identifying and Analyzing Gaps in Protection for Asylum Seekers from the Middle East: Recent Research and Findings  

Call for Presenters – Identifying and Analyzing Gaps in Protection for Asylum Seekers from the Middle East: Recent Research and Findings  

29 January 2016, 12:00pm – 2:00pm Seminar Room, Centre for Ethics, Trinity College, University of Toronto Sponsored by the Canadian Association of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies and the Centre for Ethics The ongoing humanitarian crises in the Middle East are provoking large-scale refugee movements out of the region. Existing legal and policy frameworks are proving incapable of securing safety and protection for the asylum seekers in either neighbouring states or during transit to more…

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Join the Ryerson University Lifeline Syria Challenge

Join the Ryerson University Lifeline Syria Challenge

In early September people across the world woke up to the situation in Syria when the photo of young Alan Kurdi sparked a media storm. Unfortunately, issues like these ones are not as transient as their headlines. And this was not and won’t be the only child to lose their life fleeing violence and war. According to UNHCR, there are now more than four million Syrian refugees and at least an additional 7.6 million internally…

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2016 Student Essay Contest

2016 Student Essay Contest

The Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) seeks to foster an independent community of scholars dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of Canadian refugee and forced migration research.  The Association aims to engage students as active members of the Canadian refugee research community, and invites undergraduate, graduate and law students to participate in the fifth annual CARFMS Student Essay Contest. The CARFMS Student Essay Contest will recognize the most outstanding research produced…

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CARFMS16: Call for papers

CARFMS16: Call for papers

Freedom of Movement: Exploring a Path from Armed Conflict, Persecution, and Forced Migration to Conflict Resolution, Human Rights, and Development 9th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) Hosted by the Conflict Resolution Studies Department of Menno Simons College, a College of the Canadian Mennonite University located at the University of Winnipeg in Winnipeg, Manitoba, CANADA Home of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights 11–14 May 2016 (inaugural address by Carol Batchelor…

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CARFMS 2016 Conference

CARFMS 2016 Conference

Exploring a Path from Armed Conflict, Persecution, and Forced Migration to Conflict Resolution, Human Rights, and Development Freedom of Movement: 9th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) May 11 -14, 2016 Winnipeg, MB Public lecture and inaugural address by Dr. Elspeth Guild: For Whom Are EU Borders Deadly and Why?(11 May, 6:30 pm, at Eckhardt-Gramatté Hall, University of Winnipeg) Dr. Guild is an associate senior research fellow at the…

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Watch the CARFMS15 Conference Videos

Watch the CARFMS15 Conference Videos

  Watch the Conference Videos: Day 1: Opening Ceremonies / Cérémonie d’ouverture Opening Remarks / Mots de Bienvenue: Idil Atak, President of CARFMS, Department of Criminology, Ryerson University Dr. Jean-Paul Boudreau, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Ryerson University Keynote address / Conférence : Keynote address / Conférence: The Vision and Values Necessary for a Just and Equitable Refugee and Asylum Policy for Canada: Learning from Our Past to Build our Future Together Olivia Chow, Distinguished Visiting Professor,…

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The Role of the Federal Court in the Canadian Refugee Determination Process

The Role of the Federal Court in the Canadian Refugee Determination Process

Justice Anne Mactavish Toronto, Ontario, Canada Friday, May 15, 2015 Keynote Address at the 8th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Refugees and Forced Migration Studies Conference (CARFMS/ACERMF) May 13 – 15, 2015, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada The Role of the Federal Court in the Canadian Refugee Determination Process (PDF document)

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From Enforced Closure to Regulated Mobility: The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Migration Policies

From Enforced Closure to Regulated Mobility: The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Migration Policies

François Crépeau Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer Professor in Public International Law, Faculty of Law, McGill UniversityUnited Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of MigrantsChair of the Coordination Committee of the United Nations Human Rights Special Procedures Public Lecture at the 8th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Refugees and Forced Migration Studies Conference (CARFMS/ACERMF) May 13 – 15, 2015, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada From Enforced Closure to Regulated Mobility: The Need for…

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The Need to Welcome Refugees and Immigrants – and Establishing Leadership by Welcoming More

The Need to Welcome Refugees and Immigrants – and Establishing Leadership by Welcoming More

Olivia Chow, Distinguishing Visit Professor Faculty of Arts, Ryerson University Toronto, Ontario, Canada Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Official Opening Keynote Address at the 8th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Refugees and Forced Migration Studies Conference (CARFMS/ACERMF) May 13 – 15, 2015, Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada The Need to Welcome Refugees and Immigrants – and Establishing Leadership by Welcoming More… (PDF document)

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