CARFMS 2018: Dialogue Beyond Borders

CARFMS 2018: Dialogue Beyond Borders

Carleton University, May 22-May 25, 2018 Refugee and Forced Migration Studies has strived to foster both disciplinary and multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and co-disciplinary forms of research. It has also been a field that has sought, in various ways, to engage with elements of policy and practice relating to displacement. It also strives to engage with, and often directly involve, the perspectives and experience of individuals and groups that have been displaced. In these ways, is has also…

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Call for Papers: Workshop: ‘Terrorism and Asylum’

Call for Papers: Workshop: ‘Terrorism and Asylum’

Workshop: ‘Terrorism and Asylum’ Refugee Law Initiative, University of London Friday 8 December 2017 Fears that refugee flows may facilitate the entry of terrorist elements are amply demonstrated by State responses to the refugee crises in Syria and Iraq. Such concerns about the prevalence of terrorism in today’s world have direct consequences for the legal protection of refugees and asylum-seekers. This one-day workshop convened by the Refugee Law Initiative aims to promote reflection on links…

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CARFMS17 Special Events

CARFMS17 Special Events

Film Chasing Asylum A Q&A with Director Eva Orner to follow 17 May 4:30 – 6:30pm David Lam Auditorium University of Victoria Chasing Asylum exposes the real impact of Australia’s offshore detention policies and explores how ‘The Lucky Country’ became a country where leaders choose detention over compassion and governments deprive the desperate of their basic human rights. The film features never before seen footage from inside Australia’s offshore detention camps, revealing the personal impact of sending those in search of…

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CARFMS 2016 Journal Special Edition – Call for Papers, deadline extended to May 15, 2017

CARFMS 2016 Journal Special Edition – Call for Papers, deadline extended to May 15, 2017

Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies Call for Papers: CARFMS 2016 Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies invites presenters at the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) 2016 Conference held in Winnipeg, Manitoba to submit conference papers focused specifically on conflict resolution and international development. The 2016 conference “Freedom of Movement: Exploring a Path from Armed Conflict, Persecution, and Forced Migration…

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Considering sharing your story of migration or refuge with Pier 21, Canada’s 6th National Museum

Considering sharing your story of migration or refuge with Pier 21, Canada’s 6th National Museum

Tanya Bouchard, Chief Curator at Pier 21, has invited all interested people to share their individual immigration story with the museum where a repository has been set up. Please share widely with your networks. The Museum actively collects oral histories and written story accounts of immigrating to Canada and of coming to Canada as a refugee. |

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Are Refugees Welcome Here? Trump, Immigration, and Canadian Responses

Are Refugees Welcome Here? Trump, Immigration, and Canadian Responses

February 3, 2017 4:30-6pm Seminar Room, Centre for Ethics 2nd floor, Larkin Building 15 Devonshire Place University of Toronto CARFMS IHRP EVENT Poster (PDF) The Canadian Association of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) and the International Human Rights Program (UofT) invite you to an informal, information-sharing, and brainstorming session at the Centre for Ethics to discuss the implications of Trump Administration’s Executive Orders on immigration and refugee policy in the US, and political change in…

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CARFMS17: Forgotten Corridors: Global Displacement & the Politics of Engagement

CARFMS17: Forgotten Corridors: Global Displacement & the Politics of Engagement

Forgotten Corridors: Global Displacement & the Politics of Engagement May 15–18, 2017   |   Victoria, BC 10th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Hosted by the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives’ Migration and Mobility Program, University of Victoria   Never before in modern history have so many people been forced to leave their homes and journey abroad for temporary or permanent settlement. According to the UNHCR Mid-Term June 2015 report, “by…

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